Pictures of pictures (not proper scans) All shot my on Olympus OM-2 largely on my 50mm prime, with some on Westminster’s 28mm prime. All completely manual.
I’ve developed my first 3 rolls of b&w 35mm film myself. Yesterday we printed contact sheets and one picture. Many, many thanks to Rob Wilson who didn’t have any film of his own so printed the contact sheet of my 1st film, largely of Croydon and the print of “Love CR0” for me. I printed the contact sheet of my 3rd film, largely of Nunhead Cemetery and one photo from that roll. These 2 rolls were shot on Kodak Tri-X 400.
Contact sheet printed by Rob Wilson:

Love CR0 printed by Rob Wilson:

Contact sheet printed by me:

Nunhead Cemetery printed by me:

I’ve still got to print a contact sheet and at least one print from my 2nd roll of Open Mic @ Project B shot on Kodak T-Max P3200 pushed to 6400iso.
Everyone was very polite, but frankly these remind me of a recurring theme from my school reports: “Could do better”. On the plus side almost all the pictures came out, there was no camera shake even down to 1/15 sec and everything was, more or less, in focus. However, the framing could certainly be improved and I really need to work on getting my exposure right.
Note to self: I must be, much, more patient on framing, exposure settings and assessing tonal range – I have borrowed a light meter from Uni. I must not be so lazy – take a tripod with me.